7 Signs You May Need Dental Implants

Jul 05, 2021
dentist sewell nj
Do you think you may be in need of dental implants? Here are 7 signs that you should call a dentist in Sewell, NJ for implants.

Dental implants give people with teeth problems hope. No longer do they need to worry about walking around with wide gaps of missing teeth or slipping dentures.

Rather, dental implants mean a permanent solution. Dentists can now affix new, artificial teeth to the jawbone, basically giving patients a tooth that is just as good as the one they lost. 

A good dentist in Sewell, New Jersey will help you with implants. Keep reading to learn seven qualifiers that show you're ready for implants. 

The Implant Process

Dental implants are artificial teeth affixed to the jawbone. They are surgically installed. 

The dentist will replace your tooth root with a metal post and then replace your missing tooth with an artificial tooth that functions and looks just like a natural tooth. 

Dental implants work well as a replacement for dentures or bridgework that does not fit well. It also works well as a long-term solution. The titanium in the implants fuse with the jawbone, and they do not decay like teeth or bridgework. 

As a result, you end up with teeth that look natural and last much longer than regular teeth. These seven reasons make you a great candidate for implants. 

1. Missing or Compromised Teeth

If you have missing or chipped teeth, implants are a great choice for you. Dental implants will look natural. In fact, few people can even tell that you have an implant. 

Plus, the implant will allow you to eat and talk as if you had your own tooth. You can fix the look of a chipped tooth or the compromise of a missing tooth. Missing teeth put you at risk for infection as well, so an implant will keep you healthy. 

A dentist in Sewell, NJ will evaluate your missing or chipped teeth to make sure you're ready for an implant. 

2. Signs of Infection

If you have an infected tooth, you may need a full extraction. In that case, you're a great candidate for dental implants

Sometimes a dentist can save a tooth. But if your tooth is too badly infected, a dental implant will give you a healthier mouth. 

If you have the signs of a tooth infection, such as sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, radiating tooth pain that moves to your jawbone or neck, a fever, or a swollen cheek, contact a dentist immediately. Begin the search for a "dentist near me" without delay. An untreated infection can lead to sepsis and death.

3. Deteriorating Jawbone

When you have had missing teeth for a while, your jawbone begins to weaken and corrode. 

Dental implants will give your jawbone something to grow on, and thus the implant will stabilize your jaw. You make your face and jaw stronger by having an implant. Look for a "dentist around me" to find a dentist who can help you if you notice your jawbone shrinking.

4. Sunken Face

In addition to your jawbone weakening, your face will sink when you have missing teeth. The jawbone will begin to simply shrink. 

In the past, dentists would solve the problem of missing teeth by having patients fitted with dentures. Dentures do not promote a healthy jawbone, though. They just take the place of teeth from a surface level. 

Dental implants will attach to the jawbone and stabilize the bone. They give the bone something to grow around. A dentist in the 08080 zip codes can help prevent a sunken face by installing implants. 

Plus, the implant will give you a more youthful look and make chewing and speaking easier. 

5. Poorly Fitted Dentures

If you've tried dentures but find yourself constantly adjusting them, you're a great candidate for implants. 

Improperly fitted dentures cause pain and insecurity. You cannot smile, talk, or eat with confidence if you're worried about your teeth falling out. 

Implants do not fall out. They also do not cause constant pain as dentures can. Once they're in place, your gums and jawbone grow around them naturally, making them look and feel like normal teeth. 

6. Teeth Beyond Repair

Sometimes you have a tooth that the best dentist in the world cannot save. Perhaps you received a blow to the face with a bat at softball practice. Maybe you just have a rotten tooth that you've let go too long.

Regardless, if you have teeth beyond repair, you're a great candidate for implants. The implant will look, feel, and work like your natural teeth. They will also function much better than the tooth you had replaced. 

7. Recent Tooth Extraction

If you've recently had a tooth extracted, you're a great candidate for an implant. You have the spot primed and ready for an implant. Also, you won't have to suffer the ill effects of a missing tooth for long. 

The implant will fill the gap of the missing tooth seamlessly. 

Find the Best Dentist in Sewell, NJ

If you're having severe problems with your teeth, implants can solve your problems. In a matter of time, you can have your infected tooth removed and an implant in place. 

Do you live in the Sewell, NJ area? Are you in need of a dentist in Sewell, NJ? Contact us for all your dental needs. 

We serve patients from all over Gloucester County in our Sewell, New Jersey office. We focus on serving as many patients as we can with quality dental services. 

Primarily, we maintain a warm, friendly, fun office atmosphere to welcome patients and make them feel comfortable. We spend time educating patients on how to maintain healthy teeth. 

We also spend time giving our patients beautiful smiles whether we are using Invisalign treatments or providing implant services. 

Give us a call today to set up your free consultation. We would love to get you smiling again. 

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